About the journal

Gazella is a compendium of original papers concerning the biology and breeding of animals, veterinary science, the history of zoos and their development, in situ conservation, taxonomy as well as the state of the environment and its conservation, with a special emphasis on native fauna and flora.
The compendium is the oldest of the professional periodicals published in the framework of the zoological gardens of the former Czechoslovakia and the present Czech Republic and one of the longest continuously published publications of its kind in Europe. The first issue was published in 1969.
Gazella was originally intended to present the professional and scientific activities of Prague Zoo. Over time, other zoological gardens and scientific institutions, including those from abroad, began to contribute to it. The journal has become a sought-after publication and has regular readers all over the world. Gazella is subscribed to by 250 international institutions, including the Library of Congress in Washington. Older issues are available in the Prague Zoo library, the last 5 issues (2015 to 2019) are available online. Since 2022, Gazella is published not only in printed form, but also on the Prague Zoo website.
This publication is included in the coverage of the EBSCO database.
The publication is published by Prague Zoo.
Zvířata a expozice
- Lexikon zvířat
- Pomáháme jim přežít
- Kam v zoo
- Expozice mimo areál zoo
- Zoo v číslech
- Zvířecí osobnosti
- Zvířata se učí
- Zoologická zahrada hl. m. Prahy
U Trojského zámku 120/3
171 00 Praha 7
Tel.: +420 296 112 230
Datová schránka ID: es6fem5
e-mail: pr@zoopraha.cz
Partneři Zoo Praha