Instructions for authors

We accept original papers that meet Gazella’s content and thematic focus. The thematic areas are:
- animal biology and breeding in zoos
- veterinary issues
- in situ species conservation
- the history and development of zoos
- the state and conservation of the natural environment with regard to native fauna and flora
- taxonomy
Gazella is published in Czech and English. Upon agreement it can also be made available in other languages and/or with an English summary.
Manuscripts can be sent by e-mail in .doc or .docx format to
Text formatting
Font size 12, left-justified, one font of your choice (e.g. Calibri or Times New Roman). Do not insert images or tables into the text. You may, however, indicate your preferred placement of an image or a table. Pages must be numbered.
In the framework of zoological categories, italics may be used solely for the Latin name of the genus and lower taxonomic categories (i.e. subgenus, species, subspecies). As concerns botanical categories, italics are used up to and including the level of the division.
Manuscript layout
- The work’s title
- The authors (full names) and their affiliations, the corresponding author (if there are multiple authors)
- An abstract – briefly summarizing the publication’s basic content and the relevance of the communication
- Keywords – terms describing the communication’s content or significantly related to the topic apart from those in the title
- The main text
- A summary – in English (or a summary in Czech if the work is written in another language) Alternatively, Gazella’s editorial board offers a full translation of the Czech text into English.
- References – a list of the literature used arranged in the specified citation form
- Attachments - appendices, tables, figures with pertinent captions (e.g. Fig. 1, Tab. 1)
In text, e.g., Loveridge (1945), Losos & Queiroz (1997), Fry et al., (2010). If they are used in parentheses after a statement in the text, then (Cabrera 1936), (Losos & Queiroz 1997), (Fry et al. 2010). For multiple citations in parenthesis, separate the citations with commas, e.g., (Cabrera 1936, Losos & Queiroz 1997, Fry et al. 2010).
All citations used in the text must subsequently be listed in full in the references. This must be arranged alphabetically and chronologically. Journal titles must be in full, not as accepted abbreviations. Citation formats:
LOVERIDGE A., 1945. Reptiles of the Pacific World. MacMillan, New York, xii + 259 pp.
A paper with one, two and three authors
CABRERA A., 1936. Subspecific and individual variation in the Burchell zebras. Journal of Mammalogy 17(2): 89–112.
LOSOS J. B. & QUEIROZ K. D., 1997. Evolutionary consequences of ecological release in Caribbean Anolis lizards. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 61(4): 459–483.
RATHBUN G. B., BEAMAN P. & MALINIAK E., 1981. Capture, husbandry and breeding of rufous elephant-shrews, Elephantulus rufescens. International Zoo Yearbook 21(1): 176–184.
Please note the use of lowercase initial letters in the titles of papers, and uppercase initial letters in the titles of monographs.
The citation of a website or online magazine must be in as precise a form as possible, e.g.:
SCHULTE L. M., MARTEL A., CRUZ-ELIZALDE R., RAMÍREZ-BAUTISTA A. & BOSSUYT F., 2021. Love bites: male frogs (Plectrohyla, Hylidae) use teeth scratching to deliver sodefrin precursor-like factors to females during amplexus. Frontiers in Zoology 18(1): 59.
EMSLIE R., 2020. Diceros bicornis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T6557A152728945. Accessed on 31 March 2022.
Then cited in the text simply as Emslie (2020) or (Emslie 2020).
Citations of chapters from a book
GROVES C. P. & LESLIE D. M. JR., 2011. Family Bovidae (hollow-horned ruminants), pp. 444–779. In: Wilson D. E. & Mittermeier R. A. (eds.): Handbook of the Mammals of the World, Vol. 2: Hoofed Mammals. Lynx Edicions, Barcelona, 885 pp.
Please note the use of lowercase initial letters in the titles of chapters, and uppercase initial letters in the titles of monographs.
Citations of Bachelor’s/Master’s/Dissertation work
OUŘADOVÁ P., 2012. Denní režim a prvky socialního chování slona indického (Elephas maximus) v ZOO Praha [Daily routine and elements of social behavior of Asiatic Elephants in ZOO Praha.]. Bakalářská práce, Pedagogická fakulta, UK Praha, 51 pp.
Citations – software
SWOFFORD D. L., 2003. PAUP*. Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (* and Other Methods), Version 4. [Computer Software and Manual]. Sunderland - Massachusetts, Sinauer Associates.
If there is no direct English version, then Czech texts in the Literature/References section should be translated into English and placed in square brackets, this also applies to other less internationally used foreign languages:
HERÁŇ I., HORA J. & MORAVEC J., 1992. Materiály obratlovců z pražské ZOO, uložené ve sbírkách Národního muzea [Vertebrate specimens from Prague Zoo, deposited in the National Museum collections]. Gazella 19: 119–129.
Please send the attachments separately in a sufficient resolution (for printing). This should be done as an e-mail attachment. Photographs are preferred in electronic form with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi (a higher resolution and uncompressed format is preferred – thus .tiff is preferred over .jpeg Graphics and pen drawings preferably at a resolution of 1200 dpi.
Acceptance for publication
Manuscripts meeting the focus and conditions for acceptance into the Gazella compendium undergo approval by members of the Editorial Board and peer review. The author is obliged to take into account the comments made by the reviewer(s).
The author(s) are entitled to author’s copies.
By submitting the manuscript, the author gives their consent to publishing their work on the Gazella website (the Prague Zoo website).
Consent to publication of a paper
The author, who has published their paper in the Gazella compendium, including photographs (the copyright work), hereby gives their consent to the digitization and subsequent publication of their work on the Prague Zoo website (, that being for the purposes related to promoting the Gazella compendium, that being free of charge, without limitation in time and quantity for all the uses listed in Section 12 et seq. of the Copyright Act (Act No. 121/2000 Coll., as amended), including its modification and processing. Furthermore, the participant acknowledges and declares that the copyright work published in the Gazella compendium is their own work or that they have the consent of the author and all persons involved in creating the work to use it under the conditions and to the extent stated above and that they are primarily entitled to grant such consent.
The participant agrees that Prague Zoo is entitled to publish the work together with their name and surname.
Zvířata a expozice
- Lexikon zvířat
- Pomáháme jim přežít
- Kam v zoo
- Expozice mimo areál zoo
- Zoo v číslech
- Zvířecí osobnosti
- Zvířata se učí
- Zoologická zahrada hl. m. Prahy
U Trojského zámku 120/3
171 00 Praha 7
Tel.: +420 296 112 230
Datová schránka ID: es6fem5
Partneři Zoo Praha