Zoo celebrates: Open for 82 Years


28. 09. 2013

In the course of the Saturday celebrations, the visitor can commemorate not only the birth of the first gorilla male Titan, and female Nigra, who arrived here a year later, but also learn many other interesting facts.

So far, Nuru is the latest addition to the Prague’s gorilla group. Photo: Tomáš Adamec, Zoo Praha So far, Nuru is the latest addition to the Prague’s gorilla group. Photo: Tomáš Adamec, Zoo Praha

At 11 a.m. Prague Zoo Director Miroslav Bobek and the 1st Prague Vice-Mayor Jiří Vávra, will welcome the visitors from the podium staged at the centre of the authentic African market full of goodies, souvenirs and other small items. Part of the profit from the sale will be used to cover the expenses of the new gorilla pavilion, which will be built in the upper part of the Zoo.


The morning programme will culminate by the performance by Czech singer Jiří Korn and his band 4TET, followed by the baptising ceremony of the 2004 Prague Zoo calendar, which introduces the main Zoo animal rescue projects.

The programme will be concluded by the ceremonial opening of the exhibition commemorating 50 years of gorilla breeding in Prague Zoo.

The unique African market will be open throughout the whole day offering traditional artisan products, such as jewellery, pictures, scarfs, bags or cloths. Should you get tired of shopping, you can refresh yourself with fruit or other small bites, or you can test your knowledge about Africa in one of the games.

The special commented meeting in Gorilla Pavilion at 1, 3 and 5 p.m. will introduce the existing group of gorillas led by the male Richard.