Visitor Rules

Rules and Regulations for Visitors to Prague Zoo
By entering the zoo’s premises, visitors to the Zoological Garden of the Capital City of Prague (hereinafter: Prague Zoo) agree to these Visitor Rules and are obliged to comply with them. Non-complience with the Visitor Rules may be grounds for entry denial or expulsion from the zoo’s premises, without any refund of admission fees.
Keep to the marked paths and areas when moving around in the zoo grounds. Movement should only be on foot, except for strollers, children’s wagons rented at the zoo, and mechanical or electric wheelchairs. Other devices used as walking aids are subject to the approval of Prague Zoo and must be visibly marked at all times during the visit. Children in rented children’s wagons must be accompanied by an adult at all times. Children are not allowed to use the rented wagons on their own. For the safety of visitors, it is forbidden to enter with other means of transport (mechanical or self-propelled), such as bicycles, balance bikes, tricycles, scooters, Segways, etc.
Only visitors with a valid ticket may be on the zoo’s grounds. It is forbidden to remain on the zoo’s grounds outside of opening hours, except with special permission from the operator. - ANIMAL WELFARE
It is strictly forbidden to touch the animals kept at the zoo or feed them, even those that move freely around the zoo. It is only allowed to feed the animals in the Children’s Zoo area and only with the food intended for this purpose and purchased from vending machines located by the animals’ enclosures. It is also forbidden to throw any objects into the exhibits. Visitors are obliged to behave respectfully towards the animals, not to disturb them with noise, shouting or other inappropriate behaviour (for example, knocking on the glass of the exhibits). Photography is strictly forbidden in certain pavilions, which are clearly marked with an information board with a pictogram at the entrance. - LIABILITY
Visitors bear full liability for damages caused by their actions or failure to comply with the Visitor Rules. Children under 15 are only allowed to enter Prague Zoo when accompanied by an adult who assumes responsibility for the child. Professional guides provided by the zoo are not liable for children. - PROHIBITED ITEMS
It is forbidden to bring the following items into the zoo’s grounds:
• weapons
• explosives
• inflammable materials
• fireworks
• psychotropic and toxic substances
• other dangerous objects that could damage the property of the zoo and/or the health or property of other persons
• objects potentially dangerous to animals, such as inflatable balloons, flying toys, balls, etc.
• devices making excessive sound (radios, loudspeakers, loud toys)
• bulky luggage and wheeled luggage (these can be stored in the storage lockers or at the terrace by the main entrance)
The use of drones or similar electronic devices, without the consent of Prague Zoo, is prohibited. - BEHAVIOUR
Zoo visitors are obliged to behave politely and respectfully towards other visitors and zoo staff, not to destroy the greenery, zoo property or the property of other persons, and to keep things clean and tidy. Visitors are strictly required to use only designated facilities for personal hygiene needs. - PETS
Dogs are the only domestic animals allowed in the zoo. It is the owner’s responsibility to always keep their dog on a short leash, so that it does not disturb or endanger other visitors, the zoo animals or the operation of the zoo. It is forbidden to enter the exhibits, pavilions, and indoor areas of restaurants with dogs (these areas are marked with a pictogram at their entrance). Due to the nature of the special regime in these places, this also applies to guide and assistance dogs, except in restaurants, where guide and assistance dogs are permitted. All dogs must be duly vaccinated, which their owner must be able to prove upon request. One adult visitor may enter the premises with one dog only. If the dog is left at the designated areas marked with a pictogram, it must be tied and wear a basket muzzle. The dog owner bears full liability for any injuries to animals, other dogs and persons executed by their dog. Entry may be denied to aggressive and/or unmanageable dogs. The dog owner must immediately clean up any dirt/excreta of their dog. - SMOKING, ALCOHOL AND DRUGS
Smoking is forbidden in the zoo. The use of e-cigarettes is prohibited in all indoor areas of the zoo, on the playgrounds in the zoo grounds (these places are marked accordingly) and in places with a large number of people (e.g. during events). It is forbidden to be drunk and/or under the influence of intoxicants in the zoo. - CONSENT TO THE USE OF VISUAL MATERIAL
By entering the zoo’s premises, the visitor gives permission for the use of photographic images or audio, visual and audio-visual recordings of their person for promotional purposes of the zoo. These images and recordings may be taken during their stay on the zoo’s premises. Visitors are without any claim for compensation and without any time or space limitation. The persons making these recordings shall be visibly identified at all times. - COMMERCIAL, ADVERTISING, CAMPAIGNING AND OTHER ACTIVITIES
It is not possible to carry out any commercial, profit-making, training, advertising and/or campaigning activities in the zoo’s grounds without the consent of Prague Zoo. - SAFETY
In the event of an extraordinary security situation, visitors must follow the instructions of Prague Zoo staff or members of the Emergency services. Prague Zoo is not responsible for injuries and accidents caused by non-compliance with these Visitor Rules and/or general health and safety rules. Visitors are obliged to immediately notify Prague Zoo staff of violations against the Visitor Rules or situations threatening the safety of visitors or animals. - CAMERA SURVEILLANCE
The visitor acknowledges that a camera system is installed in Prague Zoo’s grounds to serve the needs of Prague Zoo security and to monitor and ensure the safety of the animals kept there.
Thank you for following the Visitor Rules and we hope you have many fantastic experiences at Prague Zoo!
Valid from 15 February 2025
- The Prague zoological garden
U Trojskeho zamku 120/3
171 00 Praha 7
Phone.: (+420) 296 112 230 (public relations department)