The Zoo in Numbers

The Zoo in Numbers

All figures are valid as of December 31, 2021.

General informations


Total zoo area 58 ha
Total exhibit area 50 ha
Number of pavilions 15
Number of exhibits over 150
Number of employees 240


As of December 31, 2021, Prague Zoo kept

541 species listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List
272 CITES species listed in Annex A to the relevant Council Regulation (EC) (ban on international trade)
72 species included in European Endangered Species Programs (EEPs)
41 species registered in international studbooks (ISB)
66 species registered in European studbooks (ESB)
37 species of animals that enjoy special protection in the Czech Republic


Total 5,469 specimens 685 species
Mammals 1,057 162
Birds 1,955 303
Reptiles 1,056 132
Amphibians 246 11
Fish and cartilaginous fish 998 36
Invertebrates 63 34


In 2021, Prague Zoo successfully bred

Total 1,038 young
Mammals 423
Birds 390
Reptiles 225


Daily consumption of some of the feeds in 2021

Bananas 13,4kg
Carrots 198 kg
Lettuce 88kg
Grapes 5,5 kg
Apples 90 kg
Worms 6,6 l
Grasshoppers 397 pcs
Crickets 6 l
Cолома 140 kg
Hay 1101 kg
Branches 2 containers
Oat 13,2 kg
Freshwater fishes 109 kg
Meat 132 kg
Sea fish 68 kg
Mice 435 pcs