We help them to survive

Prague Zoo is intensely involved in the protection of animal species, whether they live under human care or in their natural habitats. Join us in helping them to survive!
Nature conservation holds an indelible place among the principal goals pursued by a modern zoological garden. It takes a variety of forms: we can protect individual animal species, but also entire ecosystems. Zoological gardens help protect endangered species by successfully breeding them (ex-situ conservation) and by helping to protect species in their natural habitats (in-situ conservation). Last but not least, nature conservation is advanced by educational and awareness-raising activities, something to which zoological gardens conscientiously apply themselves.
Prague Zoo is engaged both in ex-situ and in-situ conservation. It coordinates the breeding of selected species as part of conservation programs and keeps studbooks, but it also takes part in activities aimed at helping species survive in the wild, sometimes even running these activities. In many conservation projects, both approaches combine, with animals born in Prague Zoo returning to their ancestral homeland to be released into the wild.
Projects outside of Europe
- Return of the Przewalski's horse to Mongolia
- Gorilla Conservation in Africa
- Saving the Gharial in India
- Bird Conservation in Indonesia (on the island of Java)
- Bird Conservation in the Philippines (on the island of Negros)
- Palm oil
Projects in Europe and the Czech Republic
- Egyptian Vulture Conservation
- Reintroduction of the Bearded Vulture
- Reintroduction of the Ural Owl
- Reintroduction and Conservation of the European Ground Squirrel in the Troja Basin
- Reintroduction of the Barn Owl in Central Bohemia
- Reintroduction and Monitoring of the Little Owl in Prague and Central Bohemia
- Monitoring of the Wild Night-Heron Colony on Prague Zoo premises
- Protection and Monitoring of the Population of the Dice Snake, the Smooth Snake and the European Green Lizard in the Troja Basin
- Monitoring of the Common Moorhen Population in the Troja Basin
Would you like to contribute to our efforts in helping endangered species? You can!
- By transferring any amount you want to the We Help Them Survive collection account: IBAN: CZ24 0100 0000 4368 0466 0247, SWIFT code: KOMBCZPPXXX.
- By buying “We Help Them To Survive” souvenirs at the Zoo or in our online shop.
- By visiting the Zoo – 8 CZK from every ticket goes to our conservation programmes.
- By making a donation using the touch screens in the zoo’s grounds.
- By sending a donation SMS worth CZK 30, 60, 90 or 190 to 87 777 (if you have a Czech SIM card in your cell phone). Text forms for a one-off donation: DMS ZOO PRAHA 30 (or 60 or 90 or 190)
Thank you!
- The Prague zoological garden
U Trojskeho zamku 120/3
171 00 Praha 7
Phone.: (+420) 296 112 230 (public relations department)
e-mail: zoopraha@zoopraha.cz