




Gočár’s Houses Gallery: FREIGHTED: 500 years of rhinoceroses in collections and exhibitions
Yurt: 65 years of the Przewalski’s Horse Studbook (until 23. 3.), The Return of the Wild Horses to Kazakhstan (from 29. 3.)
Terrace in front of the Education Centre: 20 years with Moja

2. 3. (SUN) World Wildlife Day Celebration
Prague Zoo joins this global event that aims to raise awareness about endangered species and the loss of their natural habitat. Prague Zoo has a wealth of rare and endangered endemic animals in its grounds. Learn how to identify them and see the range of diversity there is in Czech fauna.

- 9.30 Ornithological Walk to see wild birds in the zoo’s grounds
Meet at the main entrance. The tour is free with a valid zoo ticket.
(Zoo grounds)
- 10.00–16.00 The secrets of nest boxes (in English)
The best time to put up nest boxes for wild birds is just before spring bursts forth. Discover the secrets of making nest boxes for various avian inhabitants.
(Education Centre)

9. 3. (SUN) Get Rid of Phobias: ZooSchool for Adults
Even in adulthood, many of us suffer from an irrational fear of certain animals—snakes or spiders, for example. It is scientifically proven that phobias are, overall, learned and can be lessened. Experienced tutors will introduce you to the creatures you fear, explaining and gradually introducing them in an attempt to replace the negative feelings with a positive experience for later life.

15. 3. (SAT) Mersey Celebrates
Mersey is a female wombat born in the zoo, come and celebrate her first year of life.
- 11.00 and 14.30 Guided feeding
  (Darwin Crater)

15. 3. (SAT) Australia-themed ZooSchool for children aged 8 to 11
Are you interested in what life is like for the antipodeans? What makes marsupials so exceptional? Are all snakes and spiders in Australia really venomous? Find out this and much more at the ZooSchool.

16. 3. (SUN) Australia-themed ZooSchool for children aged 11 to 15
Are you interested in what life is like for the antipodeans? What makes marsupials so exceptional? Are all snakes and spiders in Australia really venomous? Find out this and much more at the ZooSchool.

22. 3. (SAT) World Water Day
Many animal species are bound to water, come and get to know some of them.
- 9.30 A walk to meet water birds
  Meet at the main entrance. The tour is free with a valid zoo ticket.
  (Zoo grounds)
- 11.30 A walk to meet amphibians
  Meet at the main entrance. The tour is free with a valid zoo ticket.
  (Zoo grounds)
* In the event of inclement weather, the tour will take place in the Indonesian Jungle

10.00–15.30 Special guided feedings and meetings
- 10.00 feeding the Titicaca water frog (Terrarium)
- 11.00 feeding the capybaras (Capybaras)
- 11.00 feeding the penguins and ducks (Penguin House)
- 13.00 feeding the hippos (Hippo House)
- 14.00 feeding the North American otters (North American otters)
- 14.30 feeding the Dalmatian pelicans (Pelicans)
- 15.00 meeting in the Chambal House (Chambal)
- 15.30 meeting the shoebills (Bird wetlands)

13.30 Seal training demonstration

23. 3. (SUN) Celebrating 95 years of keeping lions at Prague Zoo
Casting our minds back over the long history of keeping these iconic animals at Prague Zoo
- 13.30 Enrichment elements for the lions
  (Feline and Reptile Pavilion—outdoor exhibition)

29. 3. (SAT) Season opening celebrations
Opening ceremony for the new season with a day-long programme and some distinguished guests.

30. 3. (SUN) Get Rid of Phobias: ZooSchool for Teachers
One of the main reasons for a phobia is social learning, and if you as a teacher have a fear or phobia of snakes and/or spiders, you may pass this behaviour on to your students. That is why we have created a unique programme aimed at educators who work with children. At the ZooSchool, you will learn how to work through your fear or aversion, as well as how to endow children with a positive relationship to these much-maligned animals that often play a crucial role in ecosystems. 



Gočár’s Houses Gallery: FREIGHTED: 500 years of rhinoceroses in collections and exhibitions
Yurt: The Return of the Wild Horses to Kazakhstan
Terrace in front of the Education Centre: 20 years with Moja

1. 4. (TUE) Prague Zoo’s April fool’s line
Phone 296 112 300 for a special April Fools’ message. From 10 am to 4 pm.

5. 4. (SAT) Teachers’ Day
A pre-booked event presenting a range of educational programmes and campaigns for school groups. There will be interactive demonstrations of selected programmes and visits to many interesting places at Prague Zoo.

5. 4. (SAT) International Bird Day
Everything with feathers flies. But is that true? Is it only birds that really fly? Join us on an excursion into the diverse world of birds to find out the answers to these questions, and many other fascinating facts about birds.
- 10.00 and 14.00 A tour of the amazing bird species both in and outside the exhibits
  Meet at the main entrance. The tour is free upon presenting a valid entrance ticket to the zoo.
  (Zoo grounds)

5. 4. (SAT) ZooSchool for children aged 8 to 11 on the topic of Birds
Become an ornithologist with us. We’ll take a close look at the bird’s body, find out many astounding facts about their life and look at how birds are kept in zoos. The topic covers birds from both European regions and more exotic ones.

6. 4. (SUN) ZooSchool for children aged 11 to 15 on the topic of Birds
Become an ornithologist with us. We’ll take a close look at the bird’s body, find out many astounding facts about their life and look at how birds are kept in zoos. The topic covers birds from both European regions and more exotic ones.

12. 4. (SAT) Gaia celebrates her first birthday
An invitation to celebrate the first birthday of the second gorilla cub born in the Dja Reserve.
- 10.00–13.00 Guided meeting by the gorillas every hour on the hour
  (Dja Reserve)
- 10.30 Giving the gorillas enrichment elements
  (Méfou Centre)
- 15.00 Giving the gorillas enrichment elements
   (Dja Reserve)
- 10.00–16.00 Information and gaming stations (also in English)
  • Gorillas at Prague Zoo—the history of breeding
  • Meeting in Somalomo—find out about the project to protect (not just) gorillas in Central Africa
  • Making a birthday card for Gaia—creative station
    (African classroom in the Dja Reserve)

13. 4. (SUN) Easter enrichment workshop with a specialist on making wicker items
Enrichment stimulates the animals to be more active or to rest, engage their senses, it motivates them to solve new and unusual challenges, in short, it creates a varied environment that supports their natural behaviour.
During the creative workshops you will have the opportunity to make enrichment items with your own hands, thus becoming a valid member of the team of keepers for the day.
By reservation only

13. 4. (SUN) ZooSchool for adults on the theme: Get Rid of Your Phobias (for graduates)
A follow-up for those that successfully completed the Get Rid of Phobias course, we offer the opportunity to refresh your techniques for working with your fears, share your experiences and progress over the past months/years with other course participants and once again face an animal you once dreaded.

18. 4. (FRI) Naming the Brazilian mergansers (also in English)
Come celebrate with us an unprecedented breeding success, the first Brazilian merganser chicks to hatch outside of Brazil.
- 13.00 Start of the main programme
(Bird Wetlands)
- 10.00–16.00 Avian treasure at Prague Zoo
Legend has it that on Good Friday the mountains and cliffs open to reveal their treasures. Come to the zoo to take part in a treasure hunt for the whole family whilst learning about an avian treasure that, apart from Brazil, can only be found in Prague Zoo. A prize awaits all those that successfully solve the clues!
(Bird Wetlands)

19 -20. 4. (SUN) Easter enrichment workshop with a specialist on making wicker items
Enrichment stimulates the animals to be more active or to rest, engage their senses, it motivates them to solve new and unusual challenges, in short, it creates a varied environment that supports their natural behaviour.
During the creative workshops you will have the opportunity to make enrichment items with your own hands, thus becoming a valid member of the team of keepers for the day.
Pre-booking only.

21. 4. (MON) Easter Monday at Prague Zoo
Special guided feedings and meetings where you can hand over spring-themed enrichment items.

10.00–16.00 Easter guided feedings:
- 10.00 gorillas (Méfou Centre)
- 10.30 aardvarks (African House)
- 10.45 meerkats (African House)
- 11.00 elephants (Elephant Valley)
- 12.30 giraffes (African House)
- 13.00 bears (Polar Bears)
- 13.30 peccaries (Plains)
- 14.00 wombats (Darwin Crater)
- 14.00 red river hogs and vervet monkeys (Dja Reserve)
- 14.30 spider monkeys (water World and Monkey Islands)
- 15.00 gorillas (Dja Reserve)
- 15.30 fossas (Feline and Reptile House)
- 16.00 Tasmanian devils (Darwin Crater)

- 13.30 Demonstration of seal training
   (Cape fur seals)

26. 4. (SAT) International Flamingo Day
A pink day at Prague Zoo. Regular guided feedings and meetings plus gaming stations for kids.
- 10.00 Guided feeding of the greater flamingos
   (Water World and Monkey Islands—flamingos next to the gibbons)
- 14.00 Guided feeding of the Chilean and American flamingos
   (Water World and Monkey Islands—flamingos next to the tapirs)
- 11.30, 12.30, 13.30, 14.30, 15.30 Guided meetings by the greater flamingos
   (Water World and Monkey Islands—flamingos next to the gibbons)
- 10.00–16.00 Play stations (English friendly)
   (Flamingos—rest area by the South Entrance)

27. 4. (SUN) ZooSchool for adults on the topic We Help Them Survive
Do you know what the mission of modern zoos is? Let us show you the role zoos play in nature conservation and peek behind the curtains of Prague Zoo’s most important in situ projects.