Miroslav Bobek


Miroslav Bobek (* 10/2/1967 in Mladá Boleslav) has been leading Prague Zoo since 2010. He graduated in zoology from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Charles’ University, then worked in Czech Radio between 1993–2009. During his tenure as Director of Prague Zoo many new exhibits were built – particularly the Elephant Valley, Rákos’ House full of rare parrots, the exhibit complex for Tasmanian and Australian fauna and the new gorilla house Dja Reserve. His team enjoys significant successes in the area of conservation of endangered species, the iconic Przewalski’s horse, Western lowland gorilla, Egyptian vulture and others. Under his leadership, Prague Zoo was awarded the WAZA Conservation Award. Miroslav Bobek regularly publishes book digests of his newspapers columns and is actively involved in the popularization of science in media as well as on social networks.

Miroslav Bobek. Photo: Michal Sváček Miroslav Bobek. Photo: Michal Sváček

In Czech Radio Miroslav Bobek focused from the beginning on the popularization of science. He founded a division, Czech Radio Online, and became its editor-in-chief in 2000. In 2005, he drew up the creation of the popular-science station Leonardo.

In 1994, he initiated and for many years organized the African Odyssey project, which monitored migration of black storks from Czech Republic to African wintering grounds using satellite and VHF telemetry. He led many expeditions, from which he made hundreds of live broadcasts. He also played a leading role in the New Odyssey project, which was launched in 2002.

Three years later, in the autumn of 2005, he became the author and the head of the project The Revealed – “A Slightly Different Reality Show” with Prague gorillas. Czech Radio was awarded “Wild Oscar” for the project at the prestigious Wildscreen Festival in Bristol and the Seal of Comenius EduMedia in Berlin.

At the end of 2009 Miroslav Bobek won the competition for the position of the Director of Prague Zoo and he took over the position on 1st January 2010. Under his leadership the zoo managed to break the record in annual attendance, increased its economic self-sufficiency, deepened the breeding successes and intensified its effort in conservation of endangered species. Among others, Prague Zoo in cooperation with the Army of Czech Republic organized nine air transports of Przewalski’s horses to Mongolia and in 2024 also to Kazakhstan. It is actively engaged in western lowland gorilla conservation in Africa, where it runs one of its key projects, The Wandering Bus, which aim is to change the attitude of locals, particularly children, to gorillas and to nature as such.

During his tenure the Elephant Valley, the Hippo House, Giant Salamander House, Rákos’ House for rare parrots, Darwins’ Crater – the exhibit of Tasmanian and Australian fauna with Tasmanian devils – and the newest gorilla house called Dja Reserve were built in Prague Zoo. The Feline House was reconstructed, the Gočár’s Houses, protected as a historical monument, were restored, and the Zakázanka path, supporting conservation of population of Czech reptiles, was re-opened after decades. The Arctic House is planned – the new home for polar bears. Among his greatest successes, Miroslav Bobek considers acquisition of the elephant females Tamara and Janita, mothers of four Prague baby elephants, from Sri Lanka, or a couple of Chinese pangolins from Taiwan. These were also successfully bred in Prague Zoo, for the first time in Europe.

Miroslav Bobek u varanů komodských v Indonéské džungli. Foto: Khalil Baalbaki

Photo: Khalil Baalbaki


Miroslav Bobek is the author or co-author of many articles, TV documentaries and books: for example, We Help Them to Survive, Elephants for Prague, Prague for Elephants, Bobbles from Bobek, Giraffe for Monday, Trojan Lion, Vultures in the Continental Hotel, Red Haired Librarian or Gorilla Fairy Tales, which were even translated in Cameroon into the local language Badwe’e. He is a member of EAZA Council (European Association of Zoos and Aquaria) and member of the Board of Takhi Group. He is also the recipient of Vojta Náprstek Medal and the Medal of Friendship, awarded to him by the Mongolian President. In 2022, he received from the Mongolian President the Order of the Polar Star – the highest state honour that a foreign citizen can receive, as a thank you for his extraordinary contribution to conservation of Mongolian nature and a development of Czech-Mongolian relationship.

Miroslav Bobek is married. With his wife Klára he has a son Kryštof and a daughter Markéta.

Miroslav Bobek s výborem svých sloupků. Foto: Khalil Baalbaki

Photo: Khalil Baalbaki


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Photo: Miroslav Bobek, Zoo Praha

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