
Miroslav Bobek. Photo: Michal Sváček

Miroslav Bobek (* 10/2/1967 in Mladá Boleslav) has been leading Prague Zoo since 2010. He graduated in zoology from the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Charles’ University, then worked in Czech Radio between 1993–2009. During his tenure as Director of Prague Zoo many new exhibits were built – particularly the Elephant...

Cape porcupine (Hystrix africaeaustralis) in Prague Zoo. Photo Miroslav Bobek

Lions as well as other large carnivores occasionally also hunt porcupines, probably mostly when they don’t have enough of their usual food, or when young males in particular test their limits (which is, all in all, a feature of all young males of a...

Indian crested porcupine (Hystrix indica) in Prague Zoo. Photo: Miroslav Bobek

Porcupine’s spines are an item in demand, weather as a souvenir, or a material for fishing floats. However, when I visited the Archives of the City of Prague, I discovered to my surprise that the restorers also use them when cleaning the bindings...

Six months old Gaia in Prague Zoo. Photo Miroslav Bobek

Today the female gorilla Gaia is exactly six months old. To have current pictures of her for this opportunity, I went to take her photos ahead of time.

Karlík with his young partner. Photo: Miroslav Bobek, Prague Zoo

This time I missed Humboldt penguins in their most noticeable courtship, part of which is a loud honking. I have, however, taken a lot of photos of the individual pairs collecting material for nest linings and showing affection to each other. The...