Prague Zoo Introduces Its New Tasmanian Devils


17. 02. 2025

Since Thursday it has been possible to see four new Tasmanian devils at Prague Zoo. The males Elrond and Durin and the females Faline and Sandra Dee inhabit the Darwin Crater exhibit in the zoo’s lower grounds. Although he bears the name of Tolkien's dwarf, Durin is actually the largest devil ever kept at Prague Zoo. The four animals come from Aussie Ark, an Australian breeding centre. Prague Zoo obtained them as part of the Tasmanian government's "Save the Tasmanian Devil Programme", which seeks to save the largest carnivorous marsupials from extinction. The devils arrived at Prague Zoo in December but then had to go through quarantine and get used to the Czech winter.

At nine kilograms, Durin is the largest Tasmanian devil ever kept at Prague Zoo. Photo Oliver Le Que, Prague Zoo At nine kilograms, Durin is the largest Tasmanian devil ever kept at Prague Zoo. Photo Oliver Le Que, Prague Zoo

Miroslav Bobek, Prague Zoo’s director, said, “We got our first group of 'devils' five years ago. Their arrival was the result of our long-term efforts, which consisted of supporting the conservation of devils in their homeland, complex negotiations, and above all, the construction of our Darwin Crater. The first group helped us to make the largest predatory marsupial more visible to the public and allowed us to gain experience in breeding them. We now have individuals that can breed, i.e. without contraceptive implants, and we hope that we will get approval to breed them soon.”

Tasmanian devils used to inhabit the whole of Australia, but now their natural occurrence is restricted to Tasmania. There are several factors that threaten them – before it was conflicts with farmers and poisoning, now it is collisions on roads and, since the 1990s, they have been afflicted by an infectious facial cancer. The latter poses the greatest risk as it is incurable and has 100% mortality.

Visitors can recognize Durin (pictured eating a rabbit) and Elrond by the white stripes that run almost exactly down their spines. Photo Oliver Le Que, Prague Zoo

Visitors can recognize Durin (pictured eating a rabbit) and Elrond by the white stripes that run almost exactly down their spines. Photo Oliver Le Que, Prague Zoo


For several years now Prague Zoo has been working to protect Tasmanian devils in various ways: by selling a themed souvenir range, its Devil's Beer, experiential programmes and by organizing fundraising events. The funds collected for the We Help Them Survive account have supported, for example, population monitoring and the development of a vaccine against the cancer.

David Schaap, Government Coordinator of the Save the Tasmanian Devil Programme, said, “We at the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania are delighted that we can continue our work with Prague Zoo through the 'Save the Tasmanian Devil Programme' and that we have managed to arrange the transport of four devils. It is a great opportunity to share our experience and skills with the Prague Zoo team, whose members came here to try their hand at working with these particular animals and then they transported them to the Czech Republic.”

Elrond shows off his impressive teeth. Tasmanian devils mainly use them to tear meat and crush the bones of dead animals - in Prague Zoo it is generally quail and rabbits. They can open their jaws up to an angle of 80 degrees. Photo Oliver Le Que, Prague Zoo

Elrond shows off his impressive teeth. Tasmanian devils mainly use them to tear meat and crush the bones of dead animals - in Prague Zoo it is generally quail and rabbits. They can open their jaws up to an angle of 80 degrees. Photo Oliver Le Que, Prague Zoo


David Schaap played a major role in bringing the devils to Prague Zoo. Besides organizing the project and preparing the devils for transport at the Cressy breeding centre in northern Tasmania, he has helped train Prague keepers in how to handle these very vocal mammals. For the four Tasmanian devils, however, Tasmania was simply a stop-over. They were born in the spring of 2022 at the Aussie Ark breeding station in Australia.

Toni Houston, Media and Content Coordinator at the Aussie Ark, said, “It is really exciting to know that devils born in the Aussie Ark are now travelling around the world. We wish our devils all the best as they settle in over there in Prague! We will miss them but are proud of them as they play an important role as ambassadors for their species. These Tasmanian devils will help inform people of all cultures and ages about their plight and hopefully encourage much more love and support. We need to save devils from extinction and this kind of international collaboration is a big step in the right direction.”

The males, Elrond and Durin, the latter of which is particularly notable for being a hefty fellow and weighing in at nine kilograms, are named after characters in John R. R. Tolkien's book Lord of the Rings. The female Faline shares her name with a Walt Disney film character and the name Sandra Dee pays tribute to an American actress of the 1950s and 1960s.

Visitors will be able to see the four new Tasmanian devils in the first of two outdoor exhibits for these animals at Darwin Crater. The second exhibit, as you walk around the grounds, is occupied by three non-breeding females - the last of the original four devils, the nearly seven-year-old Nutmeg, along with Castro and Caesia, all from Copenhagen Zoo. Prague Zoo is the only Czech zoo to keep these marsupials and is one of only seven European facilities to keep them.

Keeper David Vala with the female Faline as he demonstrates the safe way to handle a Tasmanian Devil. Holding them properly protects both humans and the animals, for example during veterinary examinations. Photo Oliver Le Que, Prague Zoo

Keeper David Vala with the female Faline as he demonstrates the safe way to handle a Tasmanian Devil. Holding them properly protects both humans and the animals, for example during veterinary examinations. Photo Oliver Le Que, Prague Zoo