Prague Zoo has sent help to Tbilisi

Our team in Tbilisi

15. 06. 2015

The heavy rain and flooding which hit the Georgian capital of Tbilisi and its zoological garden on Saturday night is reminiscent of the floods in Prague in the years 2002 and 2013. On these occasions Prague Zoo also found itself in an unenviable situation, and as a result has responded immediately. The director of Prague Zoo Miroslav Bobek has decided to send a team of experienced zookeepers who experienced the Prague floods to Tbilisi. At the same time, as the president of the Union of Czech and Slovak Zoological Gardens he has begun to organise a financial collection.

Our team before the departure to Tbilisi. Foto: Petr Hamerník, Prague Zoo Our team before the departure to Tbilisi. Foto: Petr Hamerník, Prague Zoo

 “When we heard about the situation in the Tbilisi zoo, we immediately began to address how we could help. On the basis of our experiences with floods, we decided to put together a team of zookeepers who shall be sent to the Tbilisi zoo in order to help ensure care for the animals. We have sent five people from our zoo, the team leader is the experienced curator Petr Velenský. In addition, the team include two colleagues from the Ústí nad Labem and Zlín zoos. The team went to Tbilisi on Monday,” stated zoo director Miroslav Bobek. 

Prague Zoo is more keenly aware than any other of the danger of flooding. With regard to its experiences from 2002 and 2013, one of our top priorities is to ensure the maximum possible protection of the lower part of the zoological garden and prevent any unnecessary losses of animals or damage to property in future.

Photo before the departure. The team consist of skilled keepers, where many of them have experienced the floods in Prague Zoo. Photo: Petr Hamerník, Prague Zoo