World Tapir Day 2014 at Prague Zoo

Palm oil

Zoo Praha  |  30. 04. 2014

On Saturday, April 26, 2014, Prague Zoo joined the ranks of zoos celebrating World Tapir Day, this year focused on Palm oil.

Malayan tapir at Prague Zoo, Photo: Archive Zoo Praha Malayan tapir at Prague Zoo, Photo: Archive Zoo Praha

 This day is marked by zoological gardens around the world at the end of April each year in a show of support for tapirs, those extraordinary – but endangered – odd-toed ungulates.

One of the most serious threats to the Malayan tapirs of South East Asia is the growing production of palm oil, which lays waste to their natural habitat. On that Saturday in April, Prague Zoo, having already signed  the Joint Zoo Statement on Palm Oil, officially launched activities stemming from this statement.

At 1 p.m., Prague Zoo visitors saw Czech Miss World 2013 Lucie Kovandová inaugurate a palm plantation  exhibit  and information stall near the Malayan tapir exhibit. This is where visitors can learn how they too can help stop the destruction of the habitats of tapirs and other endangered species.
Throughout the day, visitors could show their support for tapirs by having their pictures taken at the palm plantation. We posted the pictures as a photographic appeal on the World Tapir Day Facebook page.

Czech Miss World Lucie Kovandová at World Tapir Day at Prague Zoo. Photo: Tomáš Adamec, Zoo Praha