Year-round tours

These tours are only held during a specific time of the year.

Information and terms and conditions:
Recommended age of pupils: for all age categories
Duration: 90 minutes
Number of pupils: 10–30
Admission to the zoo grounds for school groups HERE, accompanying teachers for free
Tour fee: CZK 800 for 1 English guide per group
Bookings: at least one week in advance via our booking systém
Times: weekdays at 9.15, 10.00, 11.00, 12.00, 13.00 and 14.00
Around the world
Around the world in 90 minutes? That’s impossible! Come and see for yourself at Prague Zoo! We'll hop over to Australia to see the kangaroos, listen to the songs of exotic birds from a tropical jungle and chill out with the polar bears. You will learn how animals around the world have adapted to their natural environments and discover our planet’s fascinating and rich biodiversity. We travel regardless of the weather!
Everything with feathers flies. Is that really true? Is it only birds that can really fly? Join us on an excursion into the diverse world of birds and learn not only the answers to these questions, but also many other interesting facts.
Ethology or understanding animal behaviour
Never heard of ethology, or the science of animal behaviour? During a tour of the zoo, its inhabitants have various forms of communication, social behaviour, ritualization and many other interesting ways of letting you know what’s on their mind. A living textbook of ethology will open for you!
Fascinating facts about the animals kept at Prague Zoo
The animal kingdom is full of mysteries and curiosities. Come and find out which are the biggest animals in the zoo, how seals spend their day or what our gorilla family enjoys most. This and much more awaits you during the Fascinating Facts tour.
Journey to Africa I: the tropical rainforest
Experience the atmosphere of a tropical rainforest at first hand with gorillas and other unique animals. You will find out what hazards the rainforest and its animal inhabitants face and what projects Prague Zoo is developing to protect them. To finish off, we will visit the guardians of the rainforest!
Journey to Africa II: savannahs and deserts
Discover the beauty and diversity of African fauna in the second of our African travels! Why is the giraffe’s neck so long? What relationships can be found in the meerkat group? Why does the zebra have stripes? Find out the answers to these and many other questions. Nor will we forget the majestic hippos and the hyenas. The arid desert will surprise you with many interesting, yet less well-known mammals, reptiles and invertebrates.
Do you know how to tell if it’s a mammal? Do you think a mammal can fly or spend its entire life in water? Can a mammal lay eggs? Find out about this and much more when you join us on a journey into the fascinating realm of this animal group.
Primates, our relatives
The primate walk will introduce you to what we have in common with our closest animal relatives and how we differ from them. You'll get a glimpse into the family life of our gorillas, find out what threatens slow loris and orangutans, and what we can do to help protect them.
Reptiles and amphibians
On this walk taking in the reptiles and amphibians, you will learn just how truly fascinating these animals are. They have adapted brilliantly to their environment and their lives are often a lot more interesting than one would expect. You'll meet strange-looking scrotum frogs and giant salamanders, endangered gharials, the world's largest dragons and venomous snakes.
Walking with giants
Come with us in the footsteps of the giants of the animal kingdom. The journey will take you to the most diverse corners of the world. Among the African animals, you can admire the tall and elegant giraffes and, in direct contrast, the stocky hippos. Then you'll be off to experience Indian culture, which is inextricably linked to elephants, followed by a trek beyond the Arctic Circle to meet polar bears.
We Help Them Survive I
What role does the zoo play in conservation and how difficult is it to decide about the best way to protect individual species? We will introduce you to the projects Prague Zoo runs aimed at protecting animals both in their natural habitat and ex-situ. Hold on to your hats! We are off on a ride in the Wandering Bus through the African rainforests, fly on the wings of vultures over the peaks of the Balkan Mountains and take a peep behind the scenes of how the Przewalski's horses were successfully transported, taking us all the way to far-off Mongolia.
We Help Them to Survive II
Join us for a walk through the zoo to see the important role it plays in saving endangered species. Together we will set off for the Dja Reserve to see the majestic gorillas, to Indonesia to watch the pangolins, nor will we forget the critically endangered mountain bongos. The Przewalski’s horses are a must and there will be many other species that are sure to grab your attention.
- The Prague zoological garden
U Trojskeho zamku 120/3
171 00 Praha 7
Phone.: (+420) 296 112 230 (public relations department)