List of animals for adoption

You can adopt any animal from the list. Each animal may have an unlimited number of adoptive parents or sponsors.
Invertebrates 1.000 CZK
Egyptian cockroach, harlequin cockroach, huntsman spider, Madagascar giant cockroach, millipede, pink-winged stick insect, scorpion, sun beetle, tarantula, whip spider
Fishes 1.000 CZK
argusfish, arulius barb, bala shark, banded archerfish, black shark, Bleher's rainbowfish, Boeseman's rainbowfish, Chinese high-fin banded shark, Clown barb, clown loach, giant labio, Green chromide, kissing gourami, Kryptopterus bicirrhis, MacCulloch's Rainbowfish, moonlight gourami, red-tailed labeo, Salmon rainbowfish, Siamese algae-eater, tinfoil barb, Thai flying box
Fishes 2.000 CZK
red-finned cigar shark
Fishes 2.500 CZK
Chitala chitala, Giant pangasius, mudskipper
Cartilaginous fishes 2.500 CZK
vermiculate river stingray
Amphibians 1.000 CZK
Australian green tree frog, common tree frog, Peltophryne peltocephala, Polypedates otilophus, Treasury Island tree frog
Amphibians 2.000 CZK
African bullfrog, Colorado River toad
Amphibians 2.500 CZK
Titicaca water frog
Amphibians 25.000 CZK
Chineese giant salamander.
Reptiles 1.000 CZK
African banded velvet gecko, Asian leaf turtle, brown roof turtle, Cuban cave anole, cyclemys pulchristriata, desert spiny lizard, eremias vermiculata, European pond turtle, green pricklenape, hispaniolan curly-tailed lizard, Kuhl’s flying gecko, Malaysian black mud turtle, North Antillean slider, pancake tortoise, rainbow skink, red-flanked skink, sand lizard, Somali-Masai clawed gecko, standing’s day gecko, steppe agama, Tokay gecko, Tropical girded lizard, Turkestan plate-tailed gecko, Turner’s gecko, Vaillant’s mabuya, Vietnamese pond turtle, West African agama
Reptiles 1.500 CZK
baja blur rock lizard, black-breasted leaf turtle, Egyptian tortoise, Indian roofed turtle, Malayan box turtle, ornate spiny-tailed lizard,
Reptiles 2.000 CZK
adder, Amur rat snake, Australian red-bellied short-necked turtle, Australian snake-necked turtle, black tree monitor, Brazilian rainbow boa, common chuckwalla, common collared lizard, Corallus hortulana, Cuban boa, desert iguana, dice snake, eastern diamondback rattlesnake, Eastern Montpellier snake, European green lizard, Eyelash palm-pit viper, Five-keeled spiny-tailed iguana, giant butterfly agama, gila monster, grass snake, green tree monitor, chelodina mccordi, Indian star tortoise, Iraqi spiny-tailed lizard, long-nosed whip snake, Moluccan yellow monitor, plumed basilisk, puff-faced water snake, red tengu, Russian tortoise, Ruthven’s king snake, smooth snake, Solomon Islands skink, spotted whip snake, Texas tortoise, toad-headed agama, Tunisian spur-thighed tortoise, Turkestan rock agama, Vietnamese longnose snake
Reptiles 2.500 CZK
ball python, blood python, crowned river turtle, European glass lizard, giant asian pond turtle, giant horned lizard green tree python, Indian rock python, Indochinese box turtle, Kenya sand boa, leopard tortoise, Madagascar tree boa, Malayan flat-shelled turtle, Mang mountain pit viper, mangrove snake, northern white-lipped python, pareas carinatus, pig-nose river turtle, rufous egg-eater, spiny turtle, West African Gaboon viper
Reptiles 3.500 CZK
caiman lizard, Cuban ground iguana, green anaconda, impressed tortoise, lesser Antillean iguana, Malaysian giant turtle, Oustalet’s chameleon
Reptiles 6.000 CZK
Aldabra giant tortoise, earless monitor lizard, Galapagos tortoise
Reptiles 35.000 CZK
Indian gharial, Komodo dragon
Birds 1.000 CZK
African black duck, Aix sponsa, Amazonetta brasiliensis, Asian fairy bluebird, Asian glossy starling, Australian brushturkey, Baer's pochard, Bali starling, barred cuckoo-dove, barred laughingthrush, black-breasted thrush, blue-crowned laughingthrush, brown-breasted hill-partridge, Budgerigar, Canada goose, cockatiel, Columba vitiensis griseogularis, common blackbird, common bronzewing, common chaffinch, common linnet, common starling, cotton pygmy-goose, crested duck, crested pigeon, Cuban grassquit, domestic duck, domestic pigeon, ducula rosacea, Edward’s pheasant, Elegant crested tinamou, Eurasian bullfinch, Eurasian shoveler, Eurasian siskin, European goldfinch, European greenfinch, European serin, European turtle-dove, ferruginous duck, garganey, green imperial pigeon, grey partridge, grey peacock-pheasant, guira cuckoo, hardhead, harlequin duck, hottentot teal, house finch, Indian peacock, Java sparrow, lesser redpoll, lesser white-fronted goose, magpie goose, mandarin duck, marbled eal, Muscovy duck, omeishan liocichla, orange-headed thrush, red-billed leiothrix, red-breasted goose, red-crested pochard, red-rumped parrot, red-tailed laughingthrush, red-whiskered bulbul, red-winged laughingthrush, red-winged starling, ringed teal, rock pigeon, rosy starling, ruddy ground-dove, rufous-cheeked laughingthrush, saffron finch, scaly laughingthrush, smew, song thrush, spotted dove, spotted laughingthrush, stock pigeon, sunda laughingthrush, superb parrot, tadoma ferruginea, teal, Temminck’s tragopan, Vietnamese pheasant, vulturine Guinea fowl, white wagtail, white-crested laughingthrush, white-headed buffalo weaver, white-headed duck, white-shouldered starling, white-winged wood duck, Wonga pigeon, yellow-hooded blackbird
Birds 2.000 CZK
blacksmith lapwing, black-winged stilt, bronze-tailed peacock-pheasant, brown lory, bush thick-knee, domestic goose, domestic Muscovy duck, domestic swan goose, Edward’s fig-parrot, Eurasian oystercatcher, Forsten’s lorikeet, golden-crested myna, greater yellownape, green woodhoopoe, chicken, Malaysian peacock-pheasant, masked lapwing, Mindanao lorikeet, Mitchell’s lorikeet, northern lapwing, Papuan lorikeet, Peruvian thick-knee, pied avocet, porzana porzana, purple swamphen, purple-naped lory, rainbow lorikeet, red-breasted merganser, ruff, scaly-breasted lorikeet, scaly-sided merganser, stone curlew, swift parrot, Vernal hanging-parrot
Birds 2.500 CZK
Australian shelduck, blue-throated piping-guan, cinnamon ground-dove, common tern, crested oropendola, crested quail-dove, hill myanah, little bittern, monk parakeet, nankeen night heron, New Guinea bronzewing, night heron, Nicobar pigeon, northern helmeted curassow, Northern Rosella, Palawan peacock-pheasant, paradise shelduck, raven, red-cowled cardinal, ruddy duck, Salvadori’s pheasant, scaly-naped pigeon, scarlet-headed blackbird, speckled teal, spotted imperial pigeon, squacco heron, sunda teal, superb fruit dove, tataupa tinamou, western hooded pitta, white-cheeked pintail, yellow-faced mynah
Birds 3.000 CZK
Abdim’s stork, black stork, blue crane, Cygnus columbianus, demoiselle crane, emperor goose, red-crowned crane, red-legged seriema, southern screamer, wattled crane, white-naped crane
Birds 3.500 CZK
African ground hornbill, African spoonbill, Australian magpie, black lory, black-faced ibis, black-headed ibis, blue-winged kookaburra, boat-billed heron, boreal owl, carribean flamingo, coleto, cordilleran parakeet, crowned pigeon, Eurasian spoonbill, European honey-buzzard, freen-naped pheasant-pigeon, glossy ibis, greater flamingo, hadada ibis, hamerkop, helmeted friarbird, Chilean flamingo, little owl, loro tricahue, northern bald ibis, oriental bay-owl, Philippine scops-owl, red kite, roseate spoonbill, Salvadori’s fig parrot, scarlet ibis, southern lapwing, spectacled owl, Stella’s lorikeet, straw-necked ibis, Ural owl, wattled jacana, white ibis, white-faced ibis
Birds 4.000 CZK
African openbill, javan green magpie, Luzon hornbill, milky stork, Visayan tarictic hornbill, yellow-billed stork
Birds 4.500 CZK
bald eagle, bateleur, blue-naped Parro, marabou stork, red-tailed amazon, slender-biller parakeet, southern festive amazon, yellow-billed amazon
Birds 5.000 CZK
buffy fish-owl, Egyptian vulture, Eurasian black vulture, king vulture, hooded vulture, lesser yellow-headed vulture, secretary bird, Steller’s sea-eagle, Pel's fishing owl
Birds 6.000 CZK
bearded vulture, cagou, emu, great indian hornbill, Humboldt’s penguin, Kea, ostrich, rhinoceros hornbill, rufous hornbill
Birds 9.000 CZK
dalmatian pelican, eastern white pelican, little pied cormorant, Pesquet’s parrot, southern cassowary, spot-billed pelican
Birds 12.000 CZK
Hyacinth macaw, palm cockatoo, shoebill
Birds 25.000 CZK
Lear's macaw
Mammals 1.000 CZK
acacia rat, African pygmy mouse, barbary striped grass mouse, black-tailed prairie dog, bushy-tailed jird, cape ground squirrel, Cuban hutia, fat-tailed gerbil, four-striped grass mouse, giant jumping rat, golden spiny mouse, chacoan mara, lesser savanna dormouse, Neumann’s grass rat, short-eared elephant shrew, Smith’s bush squirrel, southern African spiny mouse, spotted grass mouse, sugar glider, Turkish spiny mouse
Mammals 2.000 CZK
Egyptian fruit bat, lesser hedgehog tenrec, northern tree-shrew
Mammals 2.500 CZK
African brush-tailed porcupine, brush-tailed rat-kangaroo, Cape porcupine, common dwarf mongoose, Etruscan shrew, Ganzhorn’s mouse lemur, Garnett’s greater galago, Indian crested porcupine, long-nosed potoroo, Mechow’s mole rat, mohol bushbaby, Northern American porcupine, northern lesser bushbaby, Palawan porcupine, Rodrigues fruit bat, springhare, sunda slow loris, woodchuck, yellow-spotted rock hyrax
Mammals 3.500 CZK
barbary sheep, Bennett’s wallaby, bharal, Caucasian ibex, Himalayan tahr, Chinese muntjac, parma wallaby, swamp wallaby
Mammals 4.000 CZK
caragonus wagneri, Kirk’s dik-dik
Mammals 4.500 CZK
ground cuscus, moustached tamarin, northern Luzon giant cloud rat, southern three-banded armadillo
Mammals 6.000 CZK
addax, alpaca, barbary macaque, bat-eared fox, beisa oryx, blesbock, brow-antlered deer, bush dog, clouded leopard, common squirrel monkey dwarf zebu, eastern black-and-white colobus monkey, fennec fox, fishing cat, gabon talapoin, Geoffroy’s spider monkey, guanaco, honey badger, jaguarondi, javan rusa, leopardus geoffroyi, meerkat, nile lechwe, Palawan leopard cat, Philippine palm civet, pig-tailed macaque, ring-tailed lemur, sable antelope, scimitar-horned oryx, short-beaked echidna, southern lechwe, takin, tayra, Thorold’s deer, West African sitatunga, white-headed brown lemur, white-nosed coatli, yellow mongoose
Mammals 7.000 CZK
brown hyena, Canadian otter, eastern kiang, Eurasian wolf, maned wolf, maneless zebra, smooth-coated otter
Mammals 8.000 CZK
aardvark, binturong, eastern bongo, eastern grey kangaroo, eastern wallaroo, elk, Finnish forest reindeer, lesser panda lowland anoa, red kangaroo
Mammals 10.000 CZK
giant anteater, Przewalski’s horse, silvery gibbon
Mammals 12.000 CZK
American bison, Bactrian camel, Cape fur seal, European bison, Javan leopard, lowland tapir, Malayan tapir
Mammals 25.000 CZK
Amur leopard, cheetah
Mammals 30.000 CZK
Tasmanian devil
Mammals 35.000 CZK
Asiatic lion, polar bear, Sumatran orang-utan, western lowland gorilla
Mammals 60.000 CZK
Asian elephant, hippopotamus, Malayan tiger, Rothschild’s giraffe, Siberian tiger, Sumatran tiger
Birds 1.000 CZK
Australian brushturkey, domestic duck, domestic pigeon,
Birds 2.000 CZK
domestic Muscovy duck, domestic swan goose, chicken, swift parrot
Mammals 1.000 CZK
domestic rabbit
Mammals 2.500 CZK
domestic goat, domestic sheep.
Mammals 3.000 CZK
domestic pig
Mammals 6.000 CZK
alpaca, dwarf zebu.
- The Prague zoological garden
U Trojskeho zamku 120/3
171 00 Praha 7
Phone.: (+420) 296 112 230 (public relations department)