Prague Zoo has opened an exposition of Titicaca Water Frogs in the terrarium next to the Bororo Reserve. These remarkable frogs only live in Lake Titicaca, where they are critically endangered due to pollution. The tank for these exceptional frogs has a generous size of 3 x 3 x 2 metres and was inspired by the flooded temple...
We commemorate three anniversaries this year: 180 years since the birth of geographer Nikolay M. Przhevalsky, 120 years since the first transport of Przewalski’s horses from Asia to Europe and 60 years since the 1st International Symposium to Conserve Przewalski's Horse, which took place in Prague. All...
Despite the difficulties at the start of the transport, which culminated in having to unload one mare, Tania, from the plane just before Tuesday’s take-off from Kbely, we managed to safely transport the three remaining mares to the Great Gobi B Strictly Protected Area. Shortly after nine in the evening Tarik, Tara and Spina...
This year we commemorate three anniversaries at once, all of which relate to the Przewalski’s Horse: 180 years ago its discoverer, Russian geographer Nikolai Przhevalsky, was born, 120 years have passed since the first Przewalski’s Horses were imported from Central Asia to Europe and it is 60 years since the 1st...
Sun, Moon and Star are three great white pelicans who will embark on a journey from Prague Zoo to London next Thursday. Their new home will become a small lake in St. James’s Park, which is overlooked by the windows of Buckingham Palace. Sun, Moon and Star will be a de facto gift of the City of Prague to Her Majesty Queen...
It was assumed to have been extinct or wiped out along with the giant sloths and armadillos or mastodons. Its scientific description was based on the remains found during the excavations of pre-Columbian cultures in the Argentinian part of Gran Chaca. That was back in 1930 and its scientific name, Catagonus wagneri, in Czech,...
- The Prague zoological garden
U Trojskeho zamku 120/3
171 00 Praha 7
Phone.: (+420) 296 112 230 (public relations department)