

Two cubs of the critically endangered Malayan tiger, which were born six weeks ago at Prague Zoo, were presented to the media for the first time on October 14 and are now on view for visitors.

Prague Zoo has received a huge acknowledgement. It has been commissioned to keep the European Stud Book (ESB) for the Indian gharial, a critically endangered and evolutionary unique crocodile. The last gharials surviving in the wild are decreasing at an alarming rate and Prague Zoo has long advocated their conservation.

On Thursday, October 19, at 16:00, a ceremonial opening of the Land of the Wild Horses exhibition will take place at the Czech Photo Centre in Nové Butovice. Pictures from world-class travelogue photographers and Prague Zoo staff, who accompanied the transport of Przewalski’s horses to western Mongolia, capture the beauty of...

  In addition to the Przewalski’s horse, Prague Zoo’s activities to protect endangered species in Mongolia have extended to the Mongolian saiga. It is critically endangered and its situation was exacerbated by this year’s epidemic of 'small ruminant plague' or PPR. Less than five thousand individuals survive in the...

  When I was nine or ten, I got a paperback book with a white cover. It was written by John Crompton and was called The Life of a Spider. I read it repeatedly at primary school, but I even browsed through it at university, just before my exam under Professor Buchar. Not that I learnt from it, not at all, but thanks to the...

In a competition of hundreds of top zoos from all over the world, Prague Zoo reached the Top Five. The information is based on visitors' reviews and ratings at global travel portal TripAdvisor. This is the third time in a row Prague Zoo has reached a high position.

You can now contribute to the conservation of four endangered species - the Przewalski’s horse, the western lowland gorilla, the gharial or the Laotian rock rat – by using our unique kiosks with touch screens that have an integrated payment function. Prague Zoo is the first zoo in the world to operate such devices. There are...

In addition to the projects for protecting endangered species organized by Prague Zoo, the best known being the Return of the Wild Horses and the Wandering Bus, it also supports many others. One of these is the protection of vultures in the Balkans, organized by Green Balkans in Bulgaria. In the past few years funds provided by...

Photo: Václav Šilha, Prague Zoo

The seventh Return of the Wild Horses ended successfully. Four more Przewalski’s Horse mares were transported to the Strictly Protected Area of the Great Gobi B in Mongolia by a CASA airplane from the Army of the Czech Republic: Naya, Romy, Chantou and Sarangua. This brings the number of horses transported under the frame of...

On 31 May 2017, a new Visitor’s Code will come into force at Prague Zoo. From the same date, smoking will be prohibited in all areas of our zoological garden. Thank you for understanding and for your compliance with these rules.